How to Lead with No Formal Authority

Leading with no authority

Leadership is not always about holding a formal position of power. Some of the greatest leaders in modern times, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Teresa, did not have formal authority, yet they had a profound impact on our world. Leadership is about inspiring and influencing others, and effective leaders can do this whether or not they have formal authority by exercising a few important principles.


In my book about transformational leadership, TRIUMPH, I describe a seven-step method for driving meaningful and lasting change in an organization. The same principles can help make any leadership more effective, but three of these principles are especially important for leaders who are looking to make an impact without formal authority:


Recognize the Stakeholders and Form Alliances (R in TRIUMPH):

 Form close relationships with your bosses, peers, and other people in positions of power in the organization. This will give you a network of allies who can support your ideas when you need them.


Unleash the power of Unwavering communication (U in TRIUMPH):

 To convince people to do what you want, you need to be able to influence them. The best way to do this is through effective communication. Be clear, concise, and persuasive in your communication, and be sure to tailor your message to your audience.


Mobilize grassroots support (M in TRIUMPH): 

For your ideas to spread, you need to connect with influencers at all levels of the organization, not just the higher-ups. Talk to people who are respected in the organization. Get them excited about your ideas and get them on board with your plans.


The most important thing is to take initiative and drive your ideas forward. Don’t wait for someone to give you permission to lead. Identify a problem that needs to be solved or an opportunity that needs to be seized, and then develop a plan to address it. Share your plan with others and get them involved. If you are passionate about your ideas and you are willing to put in the work, you can make a difference, even if you don’t have formal authority. 


That pretty much sums my way to the C-suite, and maybe it can be yours too.