The TRIUMPH Framework - Book Club Discussion Guide

Discuss The TRIUMPH Framework in your next book club meet

The following discussion prompts are designed to facilitate thoughtful conversations and personal reflections around the book’s key themes, including leadership, strategic vision, communication, employee engagement, and overcoming obstacles. Whether you’re a seasoned executive, an aspiring leader, or simply passionate about organizational development, these prompts will challenge you to apply The TRIUMPH Framework to your own experiences and aspirations.

Discussion Prompts:


1. Millman emphasizes that anyone can lead a transformation: “Not only rockstar CEOs can make a significant impact, but anyone can, so long as they have the will, the vision, and develop the required skillset.” – Introduction

  •  How have you seen this play out in your own organization or experiences? Share examples of individuals who didn’t have formal leadership roles but still drove meaningful change.
  •  What specific skills or mindsets enabled these “unofficial leaders” to create impact? How can organizations better nurture and empower such individuals?

2. The book highlights the importance of a leader’s ability to read the market and recognize disruptive forces.

  •  Discuss specific strategies or sources you rely on to stay informed about industry trends, emerging technologies, or potential disruptors.
  • Can you recall a time when your organization failed to anticipate a disruptive force? What were the consequences, and what lessons did you learn?

3. Millman argues that employees “in the trenches” often have valuable insights and gives examples of how she has leveraged that.

  • What are some effective ways you’ve seen leaders solicit honest feedback and insights from employees at all levels?
  • Share an experience where frontline employee perspectives led to a positive change or averted a potential misstep in your organization.

4. “Too many times, we opt for an eight-million-dollar solution when a simple twenty-dollar fan is much more effective. The simpler our approach, the easier it becomes for individuals to embrace, adapt, and carry out.” – Chapter 6

  •  Can you share a personal example of when a simple, low-cost solution proved more effective than a complex, expensive one?
  •   How can leaders overcome the temptation to overcomplicate solutions? What mindsets or processes can promote simplicity?

5. “When encountering obstacles, the leaders must get into the trenches and fight to remove the obstacles.” – Chapter 9

  •  Reflect on a time when a leader’s hands-on involvement was critical to overcoming a significant obstacle during a transformation.
  • There’s a fine line between helpful involvement and micromanagement. How can leaders strike the right balance?

6. “Good leadership is only loyal to its values, not to its decisions. Decisions are a function of data that comes across your desk every morning. Decisions made last week, last month, or last year, are useless if there’s new information.” – Chapter 10

  • Share an example of when you had to reverse or significantly adjust a previous decision due to new information or circumstances.
  • How do you ensure your values remain a guiding force even as strategies and tactics evolve in response to changing conditions?

7. Select a quote from the book that resonated with you. Why did it stand out, and how does it connect to your own experiences or beliefs about leadership and transformation?

8. Reflect on a transformation initiative you were part of that achieved its desired outcomes. What key factors or principles from the TRIUMPH framework were instrumental in that success?

9. If you had to prioritize the steps in the TRIUMPH framework, which one(s) would you consider most critical? Explain your reasoning and how you’ve seen the importance of that step play out.

10. Looking ahead, how might the concepts from “The TRIUMPH Framework” influence your approach to leadership, change management, or driving impact in your current or future roles?

See Also: 5 Reasons Why Your Book Club Should TRIUMPH